Your Photos

Search for your favorite shots in our digital library and save them in your memories album

All the photos of all the Italian Showdown editions are available for high resolution download, perfect for social sharing and printing on photo paper and other materials. Open the media library, browse the galleries of the thumbnails and click BUY:

  • €4,95 / full sized: personal license
  • contact us if you need a commercial license
Open Media Library

Downloaded photos have no copyright overlay watermark and are much larger in size than the preview displayed online.

High-quality prints

You can print your photos on photographic paper, photobooks, canvas, frames or other printable objects like mugs, fridge magnets, mouse pads, luggage tags, keyrings, coasters… Just send the files to your trusted print lab, without having to worry about a thing; the files are high resolution and already color corrected for high quality printing.