2022 Events Schedule

The elimination stage takes place on Thursday and Friday: the ranking at the end of the second day determines which competitors move on to the next stages on Saturday and Sunday. Competitors of Master divisions finish the competition with the final event on Sunday, while the top-5 competitors of the Individual division must face also the Showdown.

Thursday 2 June

14.00 / 17.30

Event 1 “DT”

For time, 5 rounds of:
– 12 Deadlift, 45/70Kg
– 9 Hang Power Clean, 45/70Kg
– 6 Push Jerk, 45/70Kg
(time cap 8 minutes)

* Scaled: 35/50Kg – Athletes are allowed to unload the barbell after the count of 3-2-1…GO!

Minimum required work: 1 round.
Tie-breaker: time at last complete round.

There is no cut at the end of day-1.


Friday 3 June

10.30 / 17.30

Event 2

In 6 minutes perform
reps of:
– Single-arm Devil Press, 15/22.5Kg
– Toes to Bar

* Scaled: 10/15Kg, Hanging Knee Raise

Tie-breaker: time at last complete round.

Rest 3 minutes.
Then Event 3 will begin.

Event 3

In 6 minutes perform:
– 30 Thruster, 35/50Kg
– 500m Row (tie-break time)
– Max-rep Thruster, 35/50Kg

* Scaled: Front Squat

Tie-breaker: rowing time.

At the end of day-2 about 50% of the competitors make the cut and move on to day-3 based on the quotas per age division.


Saturday 4 June

10.00 – Master / 11.24 – Individual

Event 4

For time, partitioned any way:
– 45 Chest to bar
– 45 Overhead Squat, 35/50Kg
(time cap 5 minutes)

* Scaled: Pull up, Back Squat

Athletes may perform the movements in any order, and the reps can be divided up in any manner. The repetitions of one movement do not have to be completed before the athlete can accumulate reps of the other movement.

13.26 – Master / 15.26 – Individual

Event 5

For time, 21-15-9 reps of:
– Assaukt Bike (cal)
– Snatch, 35/50Kg
(time cap 9 minutes)

There is no scaled version.

There is no cut at the end of day-3.


To know the heats times of day-3 of a specific competitor, open the leaderboard and click the competitor’s name.

Competitors must show up at the check-in desk of the warm-up area 30 minutes before their heats.

Sunday 5 June

10.00 – Individual / 13.27 – Master

Event 6

In 10 minutes perform
Buy-in, for time:
– 750/1.000m Row (tie break time)
Then, for max reps:
– 5 Handstand Push-up
– 5 Clean, 55/80Kg

* Scaled: Hand-release Push up, 45/60Kg – Athletes may unload the barbell after the count of 3-2-1…GO!

Tie-breaker: rowing time.

Event 7 will begin immediately after.

Event 7

For time, 3 rounds of:
– 3/5 Bar Muscle up
– 10m SB Walking Lunge, 40/60Kg
(time cap 6 minutes)

* Scaled: Chest to bar

17.00 – Top 5 Individual


Competitors will not know the movements or reps until the start of the event. They will be informed of the exercises and reps required as they progress through each station.


To know the heats times of day-4 of a specific competitor, open the leaderboard and click the competitor’s name.

Competitors must show up at the check-in desk of the warm-up area 30 minutes before their heats.

* Those who are unable to perform the Rx movement can choose the Scaled version and will be ranked below those who performed that workout as Rx. The competition can be finished with any combination of Rx and Scaled workouts.

Times subject to change.

Workout Description


The athlete must lift the barbell from the ground up until knees and hips are fully extended and shoulders are behind the barbell line. The hand grip on the barbell must be wider than the feet (Sumo Deadlift is not allowed). Touch and go is allowed but bouncing the barbell on the ground is not allowed. In case of a drop, the barbell must be stable on the ground before starting with the next repetition.

Hang Power Clean

Each repetition starts with the barbell in hang position and arms extended. The barbell can never go below the knees. If the barbell starts from the ground, you must move from a final deadlift position with your hips and knees fully extended and your shoulders behind the barbell line before starting the clean movement. The athlete must lift the barbell until reaching a front rack position without going beyond the parallel, so the iliac crest cannot go below the horizontal line of the knees. Once the barbell has been received, the athlete must stand up and finish the movement in a standing position, with feet in line, hips and knees fully extended and the barbell on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar.

Push Jerk

The athlete must bring the barbell from the shoulders to lockout position above the head, with feet in line, hips, knees and arms fully extended and with the barbell in control on the midline of the body. Push Jerk, Push Press and Shoulder Press are allowed (Split Jerk is not allowed).

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Single-arm Devil Press

The athlete, holding the dumbell in his hand, must perform a burpee touching the floor with chest and thighs. Still holding the dumbell in his hand, the athlete must stand up and raise the dumbell to the overhead position in one movement, with knees, hips and arms extended. A Clean & Jerk or any pause resulting in the dumbbell making contact with the body is not allowed. The athlete can hold the dumbbell alternating right and left hands as desired. Drop is not allowed, the dumbbell must always be laid on the floor.

Toes To Bar

The starting position is with the athlete hanging from the bar with his feet off the ground and his arms extended. The repetition begins with the heels behind the vertical line of the bar. In the final position, the athlete must clearly touch with both feet in the section of the bar between the hands. It is not necessary for the feet to touch at the same time, but there must be a moment when both feet are touching the bar.

Hanging Knee Raise

The starting position is with the athlete hanging from the bar with his feet off the ground and his arms extended. The repetition begins with the heels behind the vertical line of the bar. In the final position the athlete must bring the knees up to go beyond the horizontal line of the iliac crest.

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Each repetition starts with the barbell in the front rack position, ending in overhead lockout, going through a full squat position. In the squat position the iliac crest should be lower than the knee line, while in the knee lockout position, the hips and arms should be extended with the barbell in control and in line or slightly back from the midline of the body and the feet in line. When the barbell starts on the ground, a Cluster is allowed. Once the squat position is reached, the athlete should move to the lockout position with a continuous and fluid movement, no pauses or redips are allowed.


The athlete may begin seated on the rower but may not grab the handle until the start. The athlete may set the damper before or during the workout but may not set the monitor. The monitor must be set to zero before the start exclusively by the judge. At the start the athlete grabs the handle and begins rowing until the monitor displays the required score.

Front Squat

The athlete, with the barbell in front rack position, must perform a full squat until descending with the iliac crest below the horizontal line of the knee and then rising in full extension of knees and hips and with feet in line.

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Chest To Bar

The starting position is with the athlete hanging from the bar with his feet off the ground and his arms extended. In the final position, the athlete must clearly touch the bar with his chest. The contact must take place below the collarbone. It is allowed to perform the movement in any style: Strict, Kipping or Butterfly.

Overhead Squat

Each repetition starts with the barbell above the head, ending in the same position, after performing a full squat. In the squat position it is mandatory to go below the parallel, with the iliac crest lower than the knee line, while in the final position it is necessary to extend knees, hips and arms with the barbell in control and in line or slightly behind the midline of the body and feet in line. When the barbell starts on the ground it is allowed to perform a Squat Snatch.

Pull Up

The starting position is with the athlete hanging from the bar with his feet off the ground and his arms extended. In the final position, the athlete must clearly go above the horizontal line of the bar with the chin. It is allowed to perform the movement in any style: Strict, Kipping or Butterfly.

Back Squat

With the barbell in the back rack position, the athlete must perform a full squat until descending with the iliac crest below the horizontal line of the knees and then rising in full extension with the knees and hips and with the feet in line.

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Assault Bike

The athlete may begin seated on the bike but may not pedal until the start. The monitor must be set to zero before the start exclusively by the judge. At the start the athlete begins pedaling until the monitor displays the required score.


The barbell must start from the ground and reach above the head without interruption, without passing from the rack position and without touching any part of the body except the hands that support it. In the final position the feet are in line, the knees, hips and arms must be extended with the barbell in the midline of the body, with the head at least in line with the arms and the load in control. Muscle Snatch, Power Snatch, Split Snatch or Squat Snatch are allowed.

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The athlete may begin seated on the rower but may not grab the handle until the start. The athlete may set the damper before or during the workout but may not set the monitor. The monitor must be set to zero before the start exclusively by the judge. At the start the athlete grabs the handle and begins rowing until the monitor displays the required score.

Hand Stand Push Up

In this standard the final and initial position coincide: the athlete must have his arms extended, his head at least in line with the arms and the only part of the body that touches the wall are the feet, which can never go outside the vertical panel. In the lower position it is mandatory to touch the floor with the head. The whole hand must remain within the marked area for the entire repetition.


The barbell must start from the ground and arrive on the shoulders. Once the barbell has been received, the athlete must stand up and finish the movement in a standing position, with hips and knees fully extended and the barbell on the shoulders with the elbows in front of the bar and feet in line. Muscle Clean, Power Clean, Split Clean or Squat Clean are allowed.

Hand release Push Up

The body must remain straight throughout the movement. It is not allowed to sag or bend. In the upper position, the elbows must be locked, with the feet no wider than shoulder width. In the lower position, the chest must clearly touch the floor and the hands must be completely raised. Each repetition starts and ends with the elbows locked.

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Bar Muscle Up

The starting position is with the athlete hanging from the bar with his feet off the ground and his arms extended. In the final position, the athlete must be in control on the bar with his arms extended and shoulders above or slightly beyond the bar. The athlete must go through a portion of dip. During the kipping phase, it is not allowed to go beyond the horizontal line of the bar with the feet.

Sandbag Walking Lunge

The movement starts with both feet behind the starting line and with the sandbag on the shoulder. During each lunge the back knee must clearly touch the floor. In the upper position, the hip and the leg that command the lunge are both extended. It is not required to pause in the upper position by aligning the feet but, if the athlete does not do it, the extension of the knee and hip of the leading leg must be clear. The lunges must necessarily be performed alternating the leading legs. In case of invalid repetition, the judge indicates the restart point.

Chest To Bar

The starting position is with the athlete hanging from the bar with his feet off the ground and his arms extended. In the final position, the athlete must clearly touch the bar with his chest. The contact must take place below the collarbone. It is allowed to perform the movement in any style: Strict, Kipping or Butterfly.

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